Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Acts 17:26 in the King James version reads: and God “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth.” The American Standard Revised edition reads: “And he made of one every nation to dwell on all the face of the earth.” Looking closely at both renderings of this piece of scripture, we must consider what the author, Luke, a physician, is trying to say in this section of text.

Scripture is not trying to tell us that from Adam we arrived at black, white, yellow and red races, nor is it saying that we arrived at Type-0 negative blood from parents with A and AB positive blood. Rather it is saying something far more basic in light of the context of the scriptures following and preceding it.

It can truthfully be said that mankind is all one blood, because the Bible tells us that there is a difference between animal and human blood. God’s instructions to Noah indicate this and will be covered in the chapter entitled “The Flood”. To say that all of mankind is made of one blood, the blood of humankind, is correct. The error results when we try to narrow it down to referring to the blood of Adam and Eve only. This is completely inconsistent with God and science.

In Acts, the author is trying to get the men of Athens to see that God has created them all. They are united with all mankind through their blood because they are all men of the blood of humankind, as is every other man, and they all have the right to come to God, “for in God they live and move and have their being for inasmuch as they are the offspring of God.” Notice the scripture says they are the offspring of God, not the offspring of Adam.

In understanding blood and blood types, one must first know that approximately 85 percent of human blood contains an important protein known as Rh, or rhesus factor (named after the rhesus monkey in which it was first found. This does not, however, lend any proof that man came from apes.) People who have this protein are Rh-positive (Rh+). Those who are Rh-negative (Rh-), do not have this factor in their blood. When an Rh- person receives blood from an Rh+ person, white cells in the Rh- blood produce antibodies to fight the foreign proteins that have entered the body. In the process, they also may destroy the red cells in the system.

Since blood type is INHERITED, this becomes a serious problem for married couples of different Rh factors. If an Rh- woman has children, the blood from the baby may enter the mother’s blood vessels, at which point her white cells will begin developing antibodies against the Rh+ protein. If the woman has a second baby, the mother’s antibodies may pass into the blood of the baby and destroy the infant’s red cells. Although women today can receive a vaccine that works against Rh disease, in the past it was often necessary to transfuse an infant at birth to replace the blood that carried the destructive antibodies.

Blood type never changes throughout a person’s lifetime. Even though all blood is made of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, the blood of all people is not the same. There are four main blood types, or groups, into which all human blood can be placed. The type of blood a person has does not have anything to do with background or ancestry. Blood is inherited from both parents, so children in the same family may have different types of blood as the chart below indicates. If the mother's blood is, and the father's blood is, then the baby's blood will be the following:

Mother's Blood Type
Blood Type O =OO & AO & BA & B
Blood Type A =OO & AO & BA
Blood Type B =OO & AO & BB
Blood Type AB =A or BABA & AB

Using this chart quickly leaves the Adam and Eve theory of only two people to populate the world at a clear disadvantage. Adam and Eve simply could not have done it alone. Using the theory that God created a variety of men and women in the beginning, as the verses of Genesis 1 and 2 highly indicate, and then, bringing on the scene the advent of Adam, adds more validity and integrity to both science and the biblical writings. God does not make mistakes and He certainly was not haphazard about creation.

Blood of certain types cannot be given safely to people of certain other types. If the wrong blood is given to someone, it is very dangerous. The person may become ill or even die. This happens because chemicals in the red corpuscles of one blood type may be incompatible with the chemicals in the plasma of the other type. The blood plasma of one group will clump and destroy the red cells of an incompatible group.

Before anyone can be given a blood transfusion, doctors must type the blood to find out to which blood group the patient belongs. Most people have blood that belongs to one of the four main blood groups: A, B, AB, or O. All people may give or receive blood from their own group. People with type O- blood can give to any group. They are known as universal donors. Red cells in the type –O blood will not be clumped by any other blood plasma. However, type –O people may receive blood only from other –O donors. People with AB can receive blood from any of the other groups. People with AB blood are called universal recipients because they can receive from any other group. However, AB blood may not be given to any other group than itself.

Science states, “Because of the considerable degree of racial variations in blood group gene frequencies between white and non-white race, antibodies which are but exceptional transfusion problems among Europeans may have to be taken into account more often in selecting blood for non-white recipients. For example, the phenotype Le (a-b-) may be as high as 22 percent in Negroes compared to about 5 percent among Europeans, and individuals of this phenotype not infrequently have Lewis antibodies active at 37 deg. C.” (7)

Mendel’s law of independent assortment states that traits controlled by different gene pairs (such as height and color) pass to the offspring independently of each other. Gregor Johan Mendel, an Austrian monk, (1822-1884) carefully studied the heredity characteristics of garden peas, and was able to explain the transmission of certain traits from one generation to the next. “Some inherited characteristics are controlled by the combination of two units, gene, from the reproductive cells of each parent. Each of these cells gametes, has a pair of chromosomes that contain the genes for a specific trait at paired locations. Alternate forms of the gene for a specific trait are called alleles. During meiosis, q.v., the cells of each parent divide and contribute half their chromosome compliment to the offspring.” (8)

Mendel’s law of segregation states that as the gametes are formed, the gene pairs separate and do not influence each other. Mendel’s law of dominance resulted from his observation that crossing a tall strain of peas with a short strain resulted in the expression of the dominant trait, in this case, tallness. Thus, some alleles will dominate others in physical expression.

Since many thousands of family studies have shown that blood groups obey Mendelian Laws of Inheritance, the results obtained in paternity tests may be interpreted according to the two following laws of inheritance:

  1. A blood group gene cannot appear in

A child unless it is present in one or the

other parent.

  1. If an individual is homozygous for a

blood group gene, it must be present in

ALL his children.

Thus, if the alleged father and the

Mother are group O, and the child group

A, the alleged father is excluded from

paternity since he cannot contribute the

A gene which must be paternal in origin.” (9)

Certain races have characteristics in their blood that are not found, or are found only minutely in the other races.

Certain diseases are specifically characteristic of certain races and not others. A predisposing condition to certain illnesses is in the race of the individual. When choosing blood for transfusion, three factors have to be taken into account.

1. Possible sensitization by an antigen present in the donor blood, but lacking in the patient. 2. Possible incompatibility due to the presence of an already formed antibody in the recipient’s plasma, e.g. not occurring anti-A and anti-B or atypical Rh antibodies. 3. Possibility of destruction on the recipient’s own red cells by an incompatible antibody present in the donor.” (10)

Mendell’s research has proven sufficiently the deficiency in the Adam and Eve theory of how mankind descended, and has greatly helped assist in showing the validity of a greater number of humans of different races, colors, and blood types inhabiting the earth from which all men are descended. It has also done a pretty good job of casting serious doubt on Darwin’s theory of evolution. After all, an ape’s blood is not human blood, nor has it ever transformed itself from ape’s to human’s. It seems much more logical and believable to view the creation in Genesis 1 as the creation of the races, and the later addition of Adam, a tiller of the ground, as a separate eight-day occurrence entirely.

It is also important at this point to mention a study of 18 children born of incestuous mating. Only 7 were normal. “Of those remaining, one child had a severe bilateral cleft lip; one had a unilateral congenital hip dislocation; two died neonatally; one of these showing respiratory distress syndrome; two of the children were severely mentally retarded; and four others had an IQ of less than 70.” (11)

It was pointed out earlier that God is abhorrent of incest, so does it make sense that He would submit the world to this kind of haphazard beginning? He has also made man to have blood which is different from animal blood: Blood which can point specifically at parental involvement or non-involvement. Certainly an all-knowing God would not have subjected men to so precarious a beginning by immediately stacking the odds against him, inviting and condoning incest to further the species, knowing that incest does not further the species.

The scientific medical data supporting this progression of creation as suggested in this brief is staggering. Findings of prehistoric human remains have been discovered in Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa, and of course, the hub of the findings has been in the Near East. With an overwhelming abundance of evidence, science has laboriously compiled years of research into volumes of material that substantiate what God tells us in a few short sentences. God created males and females of the species of man and told them to multiply and replenish the earth. He then created Adam to be a tiller of the ground, and because of Adam’s dissatisfaction over a choice of mates, God created Eve from Adam’s rib, in a separate eighth day of creation.